Ensign Elementary Remote Learning Update
Greetings Eagles,
Tonight, the SLCSD School Board held an emergency meeting and made the decision that Ensign Elementary move to remote instruction on:
• Wednesday, January 19
• Thursday, January 20
• Friday, January 21
In-person learning will resume on Monday, January 24.
Each of Ensign’s outstanding teachers put together four days of remote learning work and has or will be sending it home with your student. Most classes had their work sent home today, it will be ready on Tuesday. If your student was absent today they will receive their remote learning work on Tuesday.
If your student is absent Tuesday please stop by the office to pick up student work during the following times:
• Tuesday 8-3
• Wednesday 8-12
The remote instruction work will be in a manilla envelope, in most cases, or a bag if the work would not fit into the envelope. Along with this work, each student will also be bringing home a letter with their school computer systems access username and password, along with instructions on how to access our online learning systems (Lexia, ST Math) in the same bundle.
All classes will be conducted on Zoom during remote learning following the normal classroom schedule. We will have all of our scheduled morning announcements, specials classes, resource support, and interventions during this time.
If you need to check out a computer from the school please fill out the form in your email. We will send computers home with students on Tuesday and will be checking out computers at the school starting at 8 am until 12 on Wednesday.
If you have any questions please email your student's teacher or Principal Jacobson.