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Frequently Asked Questions

How will Ensign Elementary Support your Learner?

Students who test below grade level at the beginning of the school year on Acadience Reading and Math, and the RI assessments will be taken to the school's Student Services Committee to develop a plan to support their learning. Parents will be notified of this plan by their classroom teacher either through a letter or at SEP conferences. These students will receive intervention services from our team of certified teachers and their progress will be monitored over the course of the next eight weeks. Students whose trajectory indicates that they will be on grade level will continue to be supported until they are on grade level in both areas. Those who need additional support will continue to receive intervention services and may be referred for Special Education Testing if the committee deems it necessary. 

If a student needs additional Social Emotional Support we are also here to provide these services. We have a wonderful counselor who will help students through any tough times and may refer students to a school-based social worker for additional support.

Salt Lake City School District Safe Schools Resolution

Salt Lake City School District Immigration Frequently Asked Questions


Drop Off and Pick Up:


All morning drop-offs will be outside of the school in the front lawn area.  Students should wait in the areas shown on the diagram below.

 As you are dropping off your student there are a couple of items to remember:

-Please only pick up and drop off in the designated areas.

-Drivers should never exit their cars in a drop-off or pick-up area. If you need to get out to help your student please park.

-Buses always have priority in the drop-off or pick-up areas.

-Please pull as far forward as possible when dropping off your student(s).

-Please follow the directions of the crossing guard and only cross the street when the guard is in the cross walk. 

-If you have a student who is a bit nervous about coming to school a drop-off routine is essential for them to feel comfortable. Please make a plan on where you will leave your child and meet them after school. This will make everyone feel more comfortable. This is especially important for kindergarten students. 

-If you are the parent of a kindergartener you are free to wait with your child on the kindergarten playground until the bell rings if you would like. We will have one of the kindergarten paraprofessionals there to supervise students before school so there is no need to wait if you would prefer to drop your student off. We do ask that once the bell rings you say goodbye to your child before they walk in with their teacher, saying goodbye outside makes for a much easier transition into the classroom than walking into the classroom to drop off. 

-We will have a kindergarten paraprofessional on the kindergarten playground daily at 7:45 to supervise our littlest Eagles. We ask that only kindergarten students wait on this playground before school in order to make them feel comfortable. 

When the bell rings at 8:00, your teacher will walk their class inside to the classroom. We will do this for all grades during the start of the year, once students are able to find their classrooms and walk to class they will be entering the school on their own after the bell rings. If your student arrives to school after the tardy bell at 8:15, they will need to go through the front doors and check in at the office before going to class.

Drop Off Map

School ends at 2:30 on regular days and 1:00 on Friday/short days.

Kindergarteners will be picked up on the kindergarten playground. Their trusted adult will need to park and walk to the entrance of the playground where the classes will be waiting. The students will be waiting by the fence until their parents/guardians arrive. After they are under their adult's supervision they may play on the playground. If you are planning on having someone other than a parent or guardian pick up your kindergartener please email your teacher to inform them of this change. If a kindergarten student is going to an aftercare program we will walk them to their bus or van and ensure that they make it there safely. 

First-grade students will be walked out of the building for the first part of the year until they feel comfortable leaving the building and finding their trusted adult. They will be waiting on the sidewalk near the flag pole. 

Students in grades 2-6 will be dismissed by their teacher from the doors of the school and will find their trusted adult/bus/van to head home or to their after-school program.

Please notify your child’s teacher about afterschool plans or changes to the normal afterschool schedule via email as far in advance as possible. It is not possible to check email while teaching and so if there is a last-minute change please call the office and we will communicate this with the student. 


How will Ensign Elementary Communicate with you?

SLCSD uses Parent Square as our communication platform. It will allow you to download an app, receive emails, or text messages, with translation built in. Please click this link to access Parent Square



What are SEP Conferences?


Student Education Plan Conferences are our biannual chance to meet with your student's teacher. During these conferences you will meet with your scholar’s teacher to set your student’s education plan for the year. You will review current learning levels and assessment data then discuss goals together. Please plan on attending these conferences with your student, because their input is very important to this process. We do prefer that only your student attends when possible, siblings can often be a distraction and we feel it is important to give our full attention to the student we are discussing. 


School Security & Safety

All entrances to the school are locked after students arrive for the day. When students are outside for recess they are supervised by staff and will need to ask an adult to open a door to the building if they need to come inside. There are no doors that are left propped open during the day. 

Any visitors to the school will need to check in at the front office and will be admitted to the building by ringing the doorbell at the front entrance. The office staff will then open the door once we have identified the visitor, each visitor will check in and be given a name tag to notify staff that they are authorized to be in the building. All school volunteers should follow the procedures listed below in the volunteer section and will need to be admitted through the building at the front door. 

The school administration is trained by the district in Comprehensive School Threat Assessments Guidelines and follows a research-based procedure to identify and mitigate any threats to the school. We also work extremely hard to build a loving and caring community to ensure that all students feel safe and heard while at Ensign Elementary. 

Throughout the school year, the school will practice fire drills, and other emergency procedures to ensure that all students know what to do in case of emergency. If there is ever a situation where the school needs to evacuate we will walk to the Federal Heights LDS Ward House and families can meet their students there. 

Specials Classes:

At Ensign we offer many classes outside of your student’s classroom. This year we have:
• Art
• Music- General Music for grades K-4 and Strings, Choir, and Band for grades 5 & 6
• Physical Education
• Computers
• Library
• Counseling Class



We love when parents volunteer in their student’s class, each teacher will have times during the week set aside for volunteers. Please contact your student’s teacher directly to find out what opportunities there are. Parent volunteering typically starts in the middle or end of September once students have learned the routines and procedures of the classroom. All volunteers should complete the school district's background check before volunteering. This is needed to volunteer to go on field trips or tutor students. Please complete the form linked here.




All teachers will ask for classroom donations at the beginning of the year. These donations can be monetary, food, or spending time in the classroom. Please ask your amazing teacher how you can support them! The PTA will also ask for donations that will support the whole school, this is important so that we can offer the best programming possible and is typically spent on whole school items like K-3 music, art supplies, and schoolwide events. Our PTA is amazing and is always looking for community support!  You can learn more about our PTA by clicking here.

School Supplies:


School supplies are provided for all students. For the first day of school your student will only need a backpack, we will provide everything else.


Inclement Weather:


Please prepare your student for school just as you would if they were home and going outside to play. If it is raining please send them with a rain coat, if it is cold send them with winter weather gear. We will make sure that your student has time to put on their outerwear before each recess. We will be having outdoor recess unless it is below 17 degrees outside, raining, or the PMI 2.5 is above 55 according to the state air quality index. 

Dress Code Overview:

Please send students in safe footwear (no flip flops or open-toed sandals).
Please send students in comfortable clothing that is not revealing and is weather-appropriate. Reminders will be posted on our website as the seasons change.
Students may not wear hats, hoods, or sunglasses during instructional time.


Extra Clothes(For Younger Grades):


Let’s face it, accidents happen! Just in case your child has an accident at school, he or she needs an extra pair of pants, underwear, and socks to change into. These items should be labeled with your child’s name and placed into a labeled Ziploc bag. Teachers will keep these items in their classroom’s storage room, where they will be safe if they are needed. If your child does have an accident, be sure to send a replacement set of clothes the next day. We will send the clothes home at the end of the school year.





Pay for Meals Online

SchoolCafe is a state-of-the-art online service that provides you the convenience to manage your student’s meal account and apply for free meal benefits all at one place. To aid in managing your student’s account on-the-go, SchoolCafe also has a free mobile app available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play store.

Every household must create a SchoolCafe account before accessing their student lunch account or applying for free meal benefits. Be ready to provide your child(ren)’s full registered name, student ID number, and the school enrolled. All questions regarding your child’s registered name or student ID number must be directed to the main school office where your child is enrolled. Click here to access the district Child Nutrition webpage for further information. 




Homework & Homework Folders:


Not all teachers will use homework folders but if they do they are to be taken home every day and brought back to school every morning. Teachers will send homework and important information in these folders daily so please be sure to check the folder every night with your child. Homework packets will begin after Labor Day. Each teacher will assign homework each week. We believe that assigning homework sets students up for success in middle and high school because it builds the routine of doing work once they get home. If homework becomes an issue for families please contact your student's teacher to find a solution to any issues. 


Snacks for Kindergartners:


Following afternoon recess, we give students a little snack. Without snack donations from families, we wouldn’t be able to provide snacks. Within the first couple days of school, I will send out an email with an updated list of appropriate snacks for our classroom. Appropriate snacks for the first week would include:

•         Graham crackers

•         Fruit snacks

•         Animal crackers

•         Pretzels

•         Popcorn

•         Cheese sticks




We love celebrating birthdays! Depending upon your child’s birthday we will celebrate full birthdays or half birthdays. If you would like to bring something for the class, let your teacher know so we can schedule the best time to celebrate. District policy states if you bring food, it HAS to be store bought. Please keep in mind that teachers will not be able to pass out any homemade treats, which results in very disappointed students.